White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

10 Science-Based Benefits of Having a Dog

Dogs offer unwavering affection, emotional support, and cuddles that ease loneliness.  According to an Australian study, owning a dog reduces loneliness.

Make us feel less alone

Owning a dog lowers mortality risk, lowers blood pressure, and improves reactions to stress, according to studies.  The review spans 1950–2019.

Good for your heart

According to a WSU study, petting a dog for 10 minutes can lower cortisol levels as well as blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing rate, and muscle tension.

Help you stop stressing out

According to Purdue University, service dogs help military veterans with PTSD by enhancing coping mechanisms and minimizing the symptoms of the condition.

Help us cope with crisis

Dog owners spend 300 minutes a week walking with their dogs, 200 more than non-owners, making them 4 times more likely to meet daily physical activity recommendations.

Encourage you to move

According to studies, guys who own dogs are more likely to receive a girl's phone number.  In photographs with dogs, people seem happier and more at ease.

Make you more attractive

We become more friendly while walking our dogs, which leads to interactions with park visitors and nearby residents.

Make us more social

Humans' "infant schema" causes their intrinsic carer reaction to be triggered by dogs' facial traits.  This explains why people are drawn to pups.

Are so adorable

Dogs increase oxytocin and mood through making eye contact.  A 2017 study found that having a pet made AIDS patients less depressed.

Make us happier

Seniors who receive dog therapy experience cognitive improvement, a decrease in agitated behaviours, and improved social connections.

Help seniors with cognitive function