White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Best Places to Hike in the World

Best Hiking Destinations Around the World!

Are you searching for an adventure? The top hiking trails worldwide are a remarkable tribute to the wonders that make our planet so extraordinary.

Great Ocean Walk, Australia

The Great Ocean Walk in Australia is a 68-mile trek with coastal views, passing through national parks, ending at The Twelve Apostles. 

King's Trail, Sweden

The King's Trail in Sweden's Lapland province offers remote Arctic landscapes, 24/7 daylight, and aurora borealis. 

Wales Coast Path, Wales

The Wales Coast Path, an 870-mile walking route, offers stunning coastal views and historic castles. 

Jordan Trail, Jordan

The Jordan Trail, a 420-mile hike from Um Qais to Aqaba, passes through 75 towns. Diverse landscapes include Petra, Wadi Rum and the Red Sea. 

Gotemba Trail, Japan

Mt. Fuji is Japan's highest mountain, a popular icon famed for its conical symmetry.  Climbing it is on countless bucket lists. 

Kalalau Trail, USA

The 11-mile Kalalau Trail offers a tropical island experience almost unmatched. However, a camping permit is now required for visiting.

Paria River Canyon, USA

The 38-mile Paria River Canyon trek is a classic experience. Tricky footing, and weather are concerns, but the stunning views are unforgettable.

Camino de Santiago, Spain

Spain's Camino de Santiago is a premier thru-hike with over 350,000 certified hikers. The 500-mile Camino Frances, from France to Spain, takes days and passes through historic towns and cities.